Global Executive Search and Management Consulting


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Succession Partners To Host Sponsor Big Data Event


Dec. 5, 2017 (FORT MYERS, FL.): We are pleased to share that Succession Partners will be the Host Sponsor of “The Data-Driven Company: How Big Data & Talent Analytics are Revolutionizing the HR Sector” presented by Hunt Scanlon Media and Ezayo. This event will take place at The Harvard Club of New York City on April 5th, 2018. This exciting conference will be a full day of presentations, panel discussions, and high-profile speakers who will explore how companies are rapidly expanding their people analytics programs and the role professional services firms are playing in this massive transformation. Representatives from leading companies will include: McKinsey & Company, Accenture, IBM, PepsiCo, Johnson & Johnson, Capital One, Pfizer, American Express, and Goldman Sachs along with search industry senior executives. For information about this event and to register, go to:


Succession Partners’ mission is to help our clients navigate the sea change of disruption and support the transformation of their boards and executive leadership teams to ensure future success. We conduct Board, C-suite, and senior-level executive searches of the highest quality but at significantly lower cost than retained search industry standard fees. Our full suite of services includes: Board assessment, succession planning, transformation, and Director search; C-suite and senior management executive search; and, confidential strategic and proactive organization and succession plan management.


If you seek a strategic, value-added partner and trusted advisor, please contact us at:; Or, call us at: +1 (917) 363-0662.

Succession Partners