Ric Comins Participates in WCD BoardNext NY Chapter Event
FEBRUARY 28, 2019 (FORT MYERS, FL.): Last evening, Ric Comins, Founder/CEO of Succession-Partners, participated in a WCD BoardNext NY Chapter Event hosted by Baker-McKenzie. Entitled “Strategies for Public Company Board Service”, Mr. Comins joined a 3-person panel with Mei-Mei Tuan, Managing Director of Trewstar, LLC and co-founder and Chairman of Notch Partners, LLC , and Laurel McCarthy, Senior Associate in Spencer Stuart’s North American Board Practice. The discussions were moderated by Meredith Kaufman, a Partner in Baker-McKenzie’s Employment and Compensation New York Practice Group. Approximately 50 women from a broad cross-section of industry and functional backgrounds took part in a high-energy evening of sharing advice, counsel, experience, and idea exchange among the participants.
BoardNext is an initiative of WomenCorporateDirectors Foundation (WCD) for experienced, highly-qualified, board ready women which offers educational programming, exceptional services, and peer group support to navigate the path to their first public corporate board.
Succession Partners’ mission is to help our clients navigate the sea change of disruption and support the transformation of their boards and executive leadership teams to ensure future success. We conduct Board, C-suite, and senior-level executive searches of the highest quality but at significantly lower cost than retained search industry standard fees. Our full suite of services includes: Board assessment, succession planning, transformation, and Director search; C-suite and senior management executive search; and, confidential strategic and proactive organization and succession plan management.
If you seek a strategic, value-added partner and trusted advisor, please contact us at: info@succession-partners.com; Or, call us at: +1 (917) 363-0662.